When you begin the search for your office space in the Boston Metro South area, there are many things that need to be taken into consideration. Part of my job as your Metro South commercial real estate agent is to remind you of some of the more important qualities that you should be thinking about as you search for office space and to help you merge what you need with what you want.
Sometimes, in the excitement that comes with relocating a Metro South business to a new space, people get more caught up with new amenities and little, non-important upgrades than they do with the key factors. I consider it a large part of my job to keep my clients’ priorities in check by helping them hone in on what matters during the search for the right office space. Here are four things that you should be strongly considering during your search.
1. Location. No matter what kind of business you’re in, you want your office to be in an area that’s accessible to your employees and clientele. Having a space that is isolated, difficult to find or inconvenient won’t fare well in the long run. Switching locations can strongly impact a business for the better or worse, depending on how convenient it is to the consumer, so if you’re going to make a switch, you want the change to be for the better.
2. Technology. Today’s business world has become quite tech-savvy, so you don’t want to be in an outdated space that doesn’t allow for easy internet hookup or is inconvenient for a high-tech setup. You won’t want to have to outsource your technology needs, as that adds additional costs, so you’ll want to make sure that your office space has everything you need to incorporate all the high-tech tools needed for today’s business transactions.
3. Client impression. Depending on what sort of business you’re in, you will need to consider what you want your client’s impression to be when they come to your facility. This matters more in some industries than others, but if an office space you’re interested in won’t give your customers the overall feeling and impression that you want them to have of your business, then it may not be the office environment for you. If you can’t visualize a consumer experience in your office, then you probably won’t be able to create a positive one in that space.
4. The right size. When it comes to the right office space in the Metro South area, you’re going to want a place that is just the right size for your business. In order to run your company efficiently, you’re going to want to be able to easily communicate, have ample space to complete office work and have designated areas for client meetings and company conferences. Your office space needs to fit the needs and serve the function of your business in order for you to see success in the long run.
As a commercial real estate agent for Boston’s Metro South Area, I think that it’s important to remind my clients of these important factors when they begin their search for the right office space. Instead of getting caught up with things that you want, you need to find what you need in order to have your business run successfully from a particular area.
If you are interested in seeing some of the office space available in Boston’s Metro South, don’t hesitate to contact me! I’ll help you find the space that is just right for your business’s needs. I hope to hear from you soon!
Jay Nuss
Jay Nuss Realty Group, LLC
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