Do you utilize Twitter as part of the social media marketing strategy for your business?  As a commercial real estate agent, I’ve found that Twitter is a great way to stay in touch with both clients and business contacts alike.  It has become an integral part of my social media marketing strategy.  If you also use Twitter for your business, you know that it can be difficult to build up your following.  While a large number of followers may be one of your goals, keep in mind that having relevant followers is also quite important.  So, how do you build up a relevant group of followers that will make Twitter a successful marketing platform for your business?  Here are four easy ways to get started.

  1. Get the word out!  Be sure to include your Twitter username on your business card and other marketing materials.  Potential customers will then be able to easily find and follow you on Twitter.
  2. Use (and understand) hashtags.  The hashtag is a powerful tool when it comes to Twitter.  By being consistent with hashtags that are relevant to your business or message, you’ll be letting potential followers know what they can expect from your tweets.  Using hashtags also makes your tweets searchable – attracting followers looking for information on a specific subject.
  3. Follow other relevant users.  Are there potential customers that you’d like to network with?  Follow them!  Get involved in their conversations, retweet relevant information and mention them when appropriate.  It’s a great way to open up the lines of communication and will also encourage them to follow you.  Many times, once you follow someone, they will follow back.
  4. Promote your Twitter account.  Do you have a large following on Facebook?  Let your followers know that you’re also on Twitter!  Encourage them to follow you by giving a sneak peek of the type of content that you share regularly on Twitter.  Sometimes, all you need to do is ask!

Do you have any tips for building up a relevant Twitter following?  We would love to hear them!  As always, if you or someone you know is looking to buy or lease commercial space in the Boston Metro area, please contact us.  We are ready to help you find your ideal space.

Jay Nuss Jay Nuss Realty Group, LLC
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