Demographic trends and population changes have a major impact on the commercial real estate landscape. Everything from an aging population to shifting generational preferences can drive demand for different types of commercial properties. As a real estate investor or developer, paying close attention to these demographic shifts is crucial for anticipating future opportunities and risks in the market.

The Aging Population’s Impact

One of the biggest demographic shifts happening across many countries is the phenomenon of rapidly aging populations. As the baby boomer generation (born between 1946-1964) moves into retirement age, it is creating increased demand for senior housing and care facilities like assisted living, nursing homes, and continuing care retirement communities.

At the same time, this graying of the population means there is a shrinking proportion of working-age adults compared to retirees. This can dampen demand for traditional office space as companies have fewer employees. An older population with more retirees could also change retail market dynamics, with less demand for big box retail but more demand for neighborhood shopping centers, restaurants and entertainment closer to residential areas.

On the flip side, healthcare remains a counter-cyclical industry with steady demand. An aging population creates a growing need for medical office buildings, clinics, hospitals and specialized care facilities. Investment and development in these areas of commercial real estate is booming to keep up.

Millennials’ Preferences are Shifting Workplace Trends

While the aging population is one major demographic shift, perhaps an even bigger force shaping commercial real estate is the rise of the millennial generation (born between 1981-1996) as they move into their prime working and spending years.

This generation grew up with technology, delaying typical adult milestones like marriage and home ownership. They tend to prefer urban lifestyles over suburbia. From a workplace standpoint, studies show millennials prioritize open, amenity-rich, collaborative spaces that become an extension of their lifestyle beyond just being a place to work.

These preferences are upending traditional ideas about office environments and driving huge growth in creative office and coworking spaces, especially in downtown areas and urban cores. At the same time, corporations are investing heavily in reconfiguring their properties to attract top millennial talent.

It’s not just office space seeing these trends. Millennial preferences are also influencing the multifamily residential and retail markets in meaningful ways. The generation’s embrace of urban living, aversion to vehicle ownership and attraction to experiences spurs demand for apartment communities and mixed-use developments in walkable areas near dining, retail, and entertainment.

On the retail front, millennials show less interest in the type of big box retail and enclosed shopping malls that were so popular in previous generations. Instead, open-air “lifestyle centers” with experiential shopping, dining and entertainment options are catering to this demographic.

Adapting for the Future

While the examples above focus on aging populations and millennials, savvy real estate professionals must monitor all demographic shifts closely. Everything from immigration patterns to birth rates can quickly reshape housing needs, workspace requirements and spending behaviors.

Paying attention to demographic data, generational preferences and population forecasts is crucial to anticipating changes in the commercial landscape before they happen. It allows investors, developers and corporate occupiers to proactively adapt their projects and portfolios to match these shifts, putting them ahead of the curve rather than scrambling to catch up.

Of course, demographic trends alone don’t tell the full story. Economic conditions, interest rates, construction costs and myriad other macroeconomic forces also influence real estate supply and demand. But few individual factors are as powerful as demographics in shaping our communities and commercial centers over time.

The real estate markets that will thrive in the future are the ones that can nimbly pivot with evolving demographic realities and consumer preferences. Those unable to keep pace will inevitably struggle to remain relevant and profitable over time.

For further information on this topic, please call us at 781.848.9400.