Relocating to a new Boston Metro area office space is an exciting time for any business.  Planning an office move can be stressful, and relocating your IT may seem like a daunting task.  Here are some tips to help you plan an efficient move of the technology in your office.

Your computers, servers and business phones are likely an essential part of your business, and it’s important to plan ahead to ensure a successful move of these crucial elements.  Take some time to review the IT capabilities of your new office space.  Look at the available space, and take stock of your current equipment.  Will you need to downsize or upgrade any equipment?  It’s smart to take care of those details before your move, so that setup at the new office will run smoothly.

To make sure that you don’t lose any valuable information during the move, be sure to back up your records before dismantling the technology at your current office.  Save user preferences and create backup copies of customer information, orders, and other important information.  It’s also a good idea to keep a printed copy of service provider information that you may need during the move.  You can also store this information in your smart phone for easy access if you need to contact a service provider during the moving process.

Planning your move on a weekend can also help provide a smooth transition when it comes to keeping in contact with your customers.  Moving the equipment on the weekend will give your IT department a few days to work out any glitches, so that your office will be up and running on your first day in the new space.  Your employees will be able to get right to work, and customers will be able to reach you right away in your new Boston Metro area office.

If you’re looking to relocate your office to the Boston Metro area, please don’t hesitate to contact me!  As your experienced commercial real estate agent in the Boston Metro area, I will provide you with excellent options for property leases and purchases. I also provide a cost analysis based on square footage, location and the type of building, so that you can make informed decisions with confidence.

Jay Nuss
Jay Nuss Realty Group, LLC
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