New E.Bridgewater Mexican Food Restaurant
A new Mexican food restaurant named Fiesta has opened its doors at 34 Bedford Street, Route 18, in East Bridgewater. Family members and I recently enjoyed absolutely the best Mexican food ever. (Incidentally, if someone in your group does not care for Mexican food, my...
“What is a Mother?”
A few weeks ago I had the occasion to attend a funeral service which I usually find very difficult to do especially when it involves a mother who has passed on. I was so struck by a poem delivered by Reverend Bill Harding who performed the service, I wanted to take...
Saving Dollars on Energy
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Jon Mitton of Pro Energy Consultants for the purpose of learning ways in which my commercial clients could save money through the utilization of basic energy conservation techniques. I came away from the meeting with him...
New Massachusetts Data Security Regulations
I am very surprised by the number of small to mid-size companies who are not familiar with the new data security law which went into effect in Massachusetts on March 1st of this year. Mark Rogers of The Rogers Law Firm in Braintree shared the following points relative...
Giving Back
Having attended an event at the Stadium Bar and Grill in Quincy yesterday, I came away thoroughly impressed with their dedication to ” giving back to the community”. These people really get it as a business and it is obvious to me that they are not just paying lip...
Thank you, Twinbrook.
Many thanks on behalf of myself and Lindsay Marshall of Able Restoration for the wonderful hospitality we received from the professionals at Twinbrook Insurance Agency in Braintree. We hope and trust that they will find the Social Media presentation helpful as they...
P&H Travel
Thanks to Phil of P&H Travel for the email describing those great warm weather trips for incredible prices. I would like to take advantage of one but I am tied up with my commercial real estate business which fortunately is not as bad as many perceive it to be....
Social Media Presentation in Braintree, MA
I am pleased to have the opportunity to present my thoughts on the important aspects of Social Media to the area’s premier Property and Casualty Insurance Agency- Twinbrook Insurance, based in Braintree, MA. Many thanks to Richard Mazzarella for the invitation and...
Commercial Real Estate and Alternative Energy
More and more, commercial real estate properties in Boston and throughout the country are turning to alternative energy options. This trend, which will continue and grow under the economic stimulus plan, includes a large array of financial incentives and tax credits...
Still Room Left
There are still some seats available for the complimentary Social Media seminar to be held at Weymouth Club on Thursday at 7:00 A.M. An attorney and CPA will also speak. The seminar should end no later than 9:00 A.M. You can email me with your reservation. Also, if...