Working from home isn’t a one-size-fits-all employment solution, according to a recent Fox Business interview with Kathryn Minshew, CEO of “The Muse” career platform. We are summarizing this insightful interview in brief.

In the course of gathering feedback from users of various demographics, Minshew finds that young employees can struggle with work-from-home employment. This is especially true for those who have less work experience. Young professionals benefit by collaboration and mentorship with more seasoned team members. They also feel less secure in their roles, and tend to seek more feedback than older employees.

As Generation Z enters the workforce, they are seeking employment situations that offer support for career development. This includes access to management, invitations to meetings and opportunities to join project teams. It seems counter-intuitive for these “digital natives” to crave in-person networking, yet this is exactly what surveys at The Muse suggest.

Meanwhile, older employees seem to show a preference for remote work. About 37% of Millennial and Gen-X site users have no desire to return to the office. A majority prefer to retain work-from-home options even as offices reopen.

For Boston Metro employers, these findings suggest that young professionals will be the most receptive to returning to in-person employment. During the interim, employers should proactively offer workplace support and access to management for employees working remotely.

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Jay Nuss Realty Group, LLC

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